We are entering A new territory full of paradox and possibility


We are in NEW territory. The ground is shifting beneath us.

The way we are living and working in the world is rapidly changing leaving us with an incredible amount of uncertainty AND an incredible amount of NEW possibility.

Every single one of us is going over a THRESHOLD right now. A threshold into a new lived experience. It’s disorienting and potentially uncomfortable to our nervous system, our identity and to our long-held expectations of our future. 

Our challenge is to hold the paradox of the change, grief, and loss we are experiencing, while at the same time expanding with curiosity and excitement into the new territory of our lives, our mission ... and what we deeply desire to contribute.

Can you compassionately allow space for both your experience of letting go - and - of expanding to be true at the same time?

We know that it’s in the breakdown of matter where rapid new growth and evolution happens. We see this in nature in the decomposition of plants and organic matter back into soil that produces new life.  We see it in the seasons as we go from lush summer to the bitterness of winter which leads us again to spring.

What are you grieving? What old patterns and embodied stories do you need to let go of at this time. It is critically important to metabolize and process and honour what we are leaving behind.

What are you excited about? What is your deepest desire to move forward toward? This is important to ignite, mobilize and continue moving toward life!

You were born for these times. There has never been a more important moment, when your voice and contributions have been needed on this planet!

Yet, I have found that, in spite of being so strong and accomplished, many of us still struggle with the courage to speak our truth and step into visibility with our mission.

We are at a tipping point. We can no longer afford to dim down, play small or withhold our authentic voice.

  • It’s time to finally break free from your old story and step out to become fully expressed AS YOU.

  • It’s time to feel joyfully present and comfortable in your own skin, owning your true voice and playing a much bigger game in your life!

Embodied Transformation: The structure and process that can support you to move powerfully and gracefully through these times as you hold the paradox of grief and possibility, is found in awakening and activating your somatic body.

In my free workshop, we step through a powerful but gentle embodied process to acknowledge, feel and let go of what needs to shift - and - to fully sense into and ignite what’s truly possible for our future.

Let's walk over the THRESHOLD together.