Are You Living a Shadow Calling?


Sometimes when we’re terrified of embracing our true calling, we’ll pursue a shadow calling instead. It's a mirage of our true calling. It’s shape is similar and yes, it’s meaningful in its own way ... but a shadow calling entails no true risk. There is really nothing deeply personal to lose.

A shadow calling is a close proximate of your true gifts ... but not quite. ‘Steven Pressfield’

The truth is, we hide out in our shadow calling to avoid the exposure and the responsibility that comes with getting visible with our true gifts. Can you sense that painful gap between where you are now and what your true calling is?

For many years I engaged in ‘meaningful’ work that I was proud of but that deep down, was paradoxically unsatisfying. I was avoiding the inner sense that it was not actually my truest offering in the world. Close yes, but not quite.

If I was honest, I would have told you that I was terrified of what really wanted to be expressed through me and the personal stakes felt high. I was stuck in an endless drive to prove my value to the world, disconnected from what I deeply desired.

Looking back it all makes perfect sense. 13 year old Callie made it from a homeless teen on the streets, to corporate CEO yet, at the top of my game I was still in survival mode ... trading off my full expression, freedom and creativity for the illusion of control, stability and safety.

In the years to come I would have to leave my comfort zone, put much more of ME on the line AND have much more to lose getting visible with my true calling.  To do that I had to generate a platform of somatic inner safety and deep practice to unleash my voice, get visible and embody my story.

It’s hard work and takes commitment to practice, but the payoff is worth it ...

Today I'm engaging in life and business as an expression of my deepest desires. It's a joy to be visible and fully expressed with my calling. I am surrounded by incredible aligned clients, a community of love and reciprocity and exponentially growing my influence, income and impact in the world! AND I help other women step out of the shadows and do the same.

It's our birthright to shine bright and take up space, to be fully and authentically expressed, to find our voice, speak our truth and contribute our greatest gifts to the world! Callie B. Elwayns

What do you sense is your deeper desire ... can you sense your larger potential and contribution?


To learn more about the Bold & Visible somatic method to unleash your voice, embody your story and ignite your mission, go to

If you're ready to get visible NOW click the link to schedule a free 💥 Breakthrough Session 💥 with Callie B. Elwayns